

Introducing AI to Farms: Enhancing the Farming Experience with AI.


In rural India, farmers face the challenge of using complex technology interfaces. They know what they need and what information is important, but lack digital literacy to fully utilize technology. To solve this problem, we are integrating our technology with Farm GPT. This allows farmers to control their farms using natural language instead of complicated interfaces. Our simple approach ensures that farmers can express their needs, start tasks, and understand important data in their own language.


Our models trained specifically on irrigation, fertigation and plant care. These models provide real-time guidance to growers and will evolve to provide irrigation schedules based on the farmers’ soil, crop, and weather conditions.

Unlocking the power of language

We use Large Language Models (LLMs) to bridge the communication gap. LLMs act as interpreters, translating farmers’ commands in their native language into actionable tasks that our intelligent farm controller, PhyHub, executes on the farm. This breakthrough simplifies interaction and eliminates the need for extensive digital training. PhyFarm not only makes technology accessible, but also enables farmers to communicate with their farms in a language they understand, improving their farming experience.

Benefits for Growers

Simplified Farm Control

Farmers can control their farms using natural language instead of complicated interfaces, simplifying tasks and data understanding.

Tailored Farming Guidance

Our models provide real-time guidance on irrigation, fertigation, and plant care, with personalized schedules based on soil, crop, and weather conditions.

Join the Movement

Organisations that are working with rural audiences on digital literacy and climate educators are natural partners for us in this initiative. We would love to partner and identify how we can help break the language barrier and get farmers to connect with their farms.
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